Monday, August 25, 2008

The Dinner Party

I've been busy, kids.

Tonight, we're having a dinner party with interesting, fun people I know and some people I don't know who I suspect are interesting and fun. It should be a hoot.

I'm doing a banquet of tapas. Ten or so different small plates, which I thought would be easier in some ways - more relaxed, super casual, more fun for the kids, more like us, etc - but it's still like ten freakin' separate dishes to prep. Plus dessert.

Someone do an intervention. Please. Save me from my own stupidity.

Anyway, I farmed the children out to neighbors, friends, babysitters, anybody who would have them and is not on the registered sex offender list. I'm a good parent. I did this because this tapas thing is not a meal you can get done with kids underfoot.

Trust me, you'll get nothing cooked and the kids will end up hating you or throwing chick pea flour around the kitchen and singing, "Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow". Or worse, they'll end up sitting in front of the TV watching 20 hours of Dora, which is their idea of winning the lottery and for you, something akin to gouging your eyes out with a pickle fork.

Yeah, that would suck.

There have been a few kitchen mishaps. Because, well, it's me. I had a small incident with pureed chicken liver that was so inexplicably gross that I had to toss a perfectly good whisk in the trash because liver parts got all entangled in the wire and I couldn't get them out. They kept clinging on. All drippy and livery. I wanted to hurl.

And David totally went off his "diet/lifestyle" because he found malted milk balls in the freezer. He blames me for leading him astray. We will discuss this thoroughly in therapy.

Just joking. We're not in therapy. Unless you count all the booze. And then, we are in a lot of therapy.

Oh! And did I tell you I've never made any of the dishes I am serving before now? Well, one dish I've done before, the oxtails. The rest are experimental. First timers. I am a virgin again. Kinda.

Anyway, here's what I'm serving tonight. Wish me luck. Or at least wish that I don't make a complete ass of myself.

xo YM

PS: I'll post recipes, evaluations and all inane and humiliating stories about myself and my cooking after the dinner party!


The Yummy Mummy's Completely Experimental, Pop-Your-Cherry Tapas Banquet for Six

- Sardines Escabeche

- Jamon Croquettes

- Lamb Chops with Figs & Tomato Salsa

- Calf Oxtails Braised in Wine

- Prawn Fritters

- Chicken Liver Pate (or parfait..I'll explain after I taste it)

- Pulpo a la Gallega

- Stuffed Tomatoes with Tuna, Garlic & Parsley

- Chorizo, Chickpea & Spinach Salad

- Red Cooked Pork Belly

- And for dessert, homemade Malted Milk Ball Ice Cream



Anonymous said...

And I have to make do with deep fried turkey, two kinds of ribs, chocolate cake and four different ice creams - home made ice cream freezes hard as a rock. And the usual smidges and dabs that go with a meal for guests here. Six including two girls in the 8-12 range.

Last night we found out that George, husband to Chris - my wife's college roommate - like charcuterie, so a plate of dry cured sausage has been added to the pickings for the evening.

Pepperone, Tuscan and Hungarian salamis and chorizo. All from Charcuterie by Ruhlman and Polcyn.

Sorry about the whisk, never had that problem myself.

SaintTigerlily said...

All of that sounds incredible. Looking forward to pictures and stories

Anonymous said...

Kim, you are completely crazy. And I mean that in the nicest possible way. :)

María said...

You're teaching me so much. I can cook, but I'm not very experimental in the kitchen. You're inspiring me to reach out a bit. :)

Christine said...

Wow, that sounds fantastic. And also, you guys should move to Philadelphia. It's practically the sixth burrough, at least that's what they're saying. We could be friends. I could come to dinner parties and bring a course, or dessert. Think about it.

Also, YUM frozen malt balls.

krysta said...

i have to have the recipe for the ice cream! like i'm holding a gun to my head and threatening the swat team kinda need.

Izzy's Mama said...

Looking forward to the dirt! Sounds delectable!

The Mulligan Family said...

Wow... you're brave (that's a nice way to say "just a little bit crazy") TEN different dishes. That would TOTALLY be something that I would do and then be bashing my head into the walls wondering WHAT I was thinking when I developed this plan. Good luck, Kim. (and good call on getting the little ones out from under foot) Can't wait to hear how it all goes and your reviews on the dishes. Cheers! P.S. Hubby and I are in the same kind of "therapy" Wine.... lots and lots of wine...

Anne Stesney said...

Good luck. I'm a big proponent of cooking new things for company. Because the stress is part of the fun! Can't wait to read about it.

Tall Kate said...

I always cook new things for company, too. Masochism rocks! And I am also fond of doing this kind of "10 different dishes" but this will be FUN sort of rationalization. There should be a 12 step program ;-)