Tuesday, November 4, 2008

From the Penis to the Boob...

So, I'm doin' the Hoop-Dee-Do with my husband...

Because both kids are asleep and, like, we have to take advantage of the opportunities as they come up because sometimes they don't come up nearly as often as we'd hope and so, we went for it and it was great and then it was over and, like, the very second it was over, Edie woke up and started crying and asking for boob, as if she had been waiting politely for us to finish the Hoop-Dee-Do and so, without any transition from one kind of physical experience to the other, I jumped up and ran into the other room, half-dressing as I moved, and launched myself into her bed and breastfed her back to sleep.

And David walked in and shook his head and muttered, "From the penis to the boob..." and then, walked out. The man was just happy some of the attention went his way.

I'm feeling pretty needed these days...

xxoo YM

Note: The comic was drawn by a very talented, and I suspect wacky, Physics/Robotics guy named Randall Munroe at XKCD.



Jen said...

I can totally relate to this, except that neither of my children were ever very polite about waiting for the penis' turn to be over.

Good times, good times.

SaintTigerlily said...

You are like a superhero!

Christine said...

That comic is awesome! So I take it weaning isn't going as well as you (or David) might like. Hee. Edie and Lucy crack me up.

Anonymous said...

I'm doing NaBloPoMo too, and it's all about food. Not hoop de dos and boobs and adorable little girls. I love your candidness.

Izzy's Mama said...

I am familiar with this scenario. At least you were able to dress!